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Topic Reading-Vol.4224-11/17/2023

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Delhi AQI: Can artificial rain fix toxic air in India's capital?
As Delhi’s air pollution continues, the Indian capital has closed schools and offices, and restricted construction works and the number of cars on the roads. However, its Air Quality Index (AQI) is still at 10 times the acceptable level. So, the desperate government wants to try any measures that could improve the air quality like cloud seeding. Cloud seeding, or artificial rain, is a weather modification technique used to induce precipitation in areas experiencing water scarcity or drought conditions by introducing certain substances like silver iodide or chloride into clouds to stimulate the formation and development of raindrops. The government hopes that rainfall will wash away particulate matter in the atmosphere. However, the effectiveness of cloud seeding can vary depending on factors like cloud type, weather conditions, and the choice of seeding agents. Also, the environmental impact of artificially created rain remains unclear. All in all, rain isn’t a solution but just a band-aid for air pollution.
Read the article and learn about how artificial rain could work on severe air pollution in the capital of the most populous country.

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