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Topic Reading-Vol.3519-11/29/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

New Swedish Prime Minister resigns hours after being voted in

Sweden is one of the Nordic countries with a population of around 10 million. The nation is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy, with legislative power vested in the 349-member parliament. Swedish people are highly conscious of politics, and the voter turnout in the last election was well over 87%. Though the Social Democratic Party holds more seats than other parties, they are still short of forming a government by themselves. Recently, the party succeeded in electing its party leader the first female Prime Minister of the nation but failed to pass a budget plan. After failing to pass the budget, the newly elected PM, Ms. Andersson, resigned in the hope to be reappointed as the head of a single-party government. It was only a few hours since she was appointed the leader of the country. Will she make a comeback to break the glass ceiling in the Nordic country where several parties have been getting enough seats to have an influence on forming a government and passing important bills?

Enjoy reading the article and learn about the short-lived, first female in PM in Sweden.

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