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Topic Reading-Vol.3376-7/9/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

India: The art of eating with your hands 

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. So, when you eat Chinese food, you should use chopsticks, not with a knife and fork. When you eat Japanese miso soup, you should sip it without a spoon. When you eat pizza in Italy, you should use a knife and fork. So, it is quite natural to eat with your right hand when you are in India. It shows respect and appreciation to the food itself and the person who prepared it. Also, licking your fingers is also part of an important etiquette. It expresses the appreciation of the food, too. But how can you eat curry or scoop up gravies without a spoon? You’ll need to mash up the rice with fingers and mix it with other foods on the plate or banana leaf and roll it into a ball, then it becomes like a rice ball. Easy to say, difficult to do.

Enjoy watching the video to learn why you shouldn’t hesitate to eat with your hands in India.

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