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Topic Reading-Vol.3365-6/28/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Rainforests are under siege. Here's what you should know.

Last week on June 22, Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, hosted its annual Prime Day for its prime members. On the same day, the world observed World Rainforest Day to raise awareness about the preservation of rainforests. Over half of the world’s primary forest is in Amazon rainforests, which includes parts of nine countries and covers nearly 40% of South America. It accounts for just over half the primary forests found across the tropics. It is also home to 10 percent of the world’s known species and represents over half of the rainforest on the planet. You may know that rainforests remove greenhouse gas from the atmosphere, and prevents it from warming the planet. In fact, rainforests account for 20% of ground photosynthesis, and therefore they produce oxygen and remove greenhouse gas from the atmosphere. The majority of the Amazon is in Brazil but unfortunately, the current Brazilian administration pays little attention to preserve this invaluable natural asset. As a result, the Amazon rainforest lost more trees by deforestation and wildfires in 2019. Since the Amazon is home to biodiversity and medical resources, the world will lose even more.

Enjoy reading the article and learn how invaluable the Amazon rainforest is for all living things on earth.

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