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Topic Reading-Vol.3361-6/24/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

7 tips for choosing your perfect coffee

Coffee can be brewed in different ways, such as boiling, steeping, dripping, or pressuring like expresso. Nowadays, dripped coffee seems the most popular way to serve coffee around the world besides espresso or instant/soluble coffee. Then, what kind of beans to brew? There are several factors to classify the type of coffee beans. First, the species. While Arabica coffee is richer in flavor with a smoother and sweeter taste, Robusta coffee has a stronger and bitter taste with more caffeine. Another way to classify coffee beans is whether they are blended or single-origin, just like blended or single-malt whisky. The former has a well-rounded flavor while the latter presents distinct characteristics of the region. The next type is how the beans are roasted. If beans are roasted longer, they become darker and bitterer, like French or Italian roast coffee. When beans are lightly roasted, they keep more flavor and acidity. To your surprise, dark roast coffee contains less caffeine as it is burned off as beans are heated. Then, you want to look at how the beans are ground or you grind beans yourself right before brewing. While whole beans stay fresher and longer, ground coffee goes stale quickly because more surface area is exposed to air. In addition to these characteristics, there are other factors that affect the taste of coffee, such as how you take your coffee, like with milk, cream, and sugar, when you drink your coffee, like in the morning or after a meal, and where you enjoy your coffee, like in the kitchen, office, or café, and your mood.

Enjoy reading the article and learn basic information you want to know when you buy coffee beans.

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