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Topic Reading-Vol.3095-10/1/2020

Topic Reading-Vol.3095-10/1/2020
Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Singapore in world first for facial verification
As you probably know, Singapore is a high-tech city-state. For example, they announced to provide a Covid contact tracing token to all residents (Vol.3082-9.18.2020). Now, they want facial recognition technology to the next level to facial verification, which is not only to check if a person’s image matches the one in their database but also to verify if the person is really present. Indeed, it is essential to verify if the person of the image is really the person applying for services, not a manipulated image or deep-fake. If such technology is also used in businesses, no more verifying process needed to open a bank account (if you still need one) or buy a smartphone. Also, such technology could be used to ensure it the test taker is really the person who applied. Of course, this facial verification is used only when the user’s consent is given. But privacy advocates are concerned if consent is enough to deal with biometric data.
Enjoy reading the article and learn about how you could be verified with this new technology.

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