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Topic Reading-Vol.2700-9/2/2019

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Why red wine could be good for your gut - in moderation
Does a glass of red wine a day keep the doctor away? If an apple does, so does red wine, according to new research. That’s because red wine contains substantial polyphenols, a category of plant compounds that offers various health benefits. Regular consumption of polyphenols seems to boost digestion and brain health, as well as to protect against heart disease, diabetes, and even some cancers. Dark chocolate, tea, berries, and red wind are all rich in polyphenols.
But why is red wine good for our stomach? That’s because it seems to help the balance of bacteria and other micro-organisms in the stomach that keeps us healthy.
Do you need to drink red wine every day or every meal? Not really. It is an alcoholic drink after all, so moderate consumption is always advised. Again, you can enjoy berries with your cereal, tea after a meal, and dark chocolate for a snack to enjoy the benefits of polyphenols. But of course, a glass of red wine makes your meal and day even more pleasurable.
Enjoy reading the article and learn about this favorable research finding.

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