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Topic Reading-Vol.2588-5/13/2019

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
A Ramadan etiquette guide for non-Muslims
As more people travel to other places or study, work or live with others in the world, the chances for non-Muslims to interact with Muslims increase. In fact, nearly one in every four persons in the world is Muslim and their population is growing faster than any other major religious group. However, while many of non-Christians know, or even celebrate Christmas with a special meal or Saint Valentine’s Day with roses, not so many non-Muslims are familiar with Muslims Ramadan.
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar and is the holy month of fasting between sunrise and sunset. Muslims refrain from food, drink, sexual activity, and any immoral acts or thoughts during the day. After the sunset prayer, they gather in their homes or mosques to break their fast with a special meal, ifār, often with extended family members and friends. Unlike other religious holidays, Ramadan lasts for 29-30 days.
So, if your friend, classmate, or coworker is a Muslim who is obliged to observe this important month with strict restrictions, what should, or shouldn’t you do to be nice with them? Should you never eat or drink anything before them, or can you join them for ifār?
Enjoy reading the article and learn about dos and don’ts during Ramadan.

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