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Topic Reading-Vol.2013-10/15/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Five ways science can improve your focus
How do you usually manage to keep your concentration when your mind is drifting away?
It’s not as easy as one might think to stay focus, especially on a difficult task. Just drinking coffee won’t help that much. It takes strong willpower to connect different regions in the brain while impulsive forces are disrupting the network.
Interestingly, what it takes to stay focus is not trying to keep your mind with the task but do opposite things, like taking a short break, watching a funny video, or emptying the brain by meditation. In other words, refresh yourself with something that is away from the task you’re working on.
Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But make sure you get back to the task after the mind-break.
Enjoy reading and thinking which idea might work best for you to keep your concentration.

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