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Topic Reading-Vol.1411-2/21/2016

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Scientists seek ways to block 'Armageddon asteroids'
Did you watch a movie called “Armageddon”? After discovering that an asteroid the size of Texas is going to impact Earth, N.A.S.A. sends a team of deep core drillers to the asteroid to blow it up. Will that kind of space accident really happen to Earth?
Well, remember the Chelyabinsk meteor caused by a near-Earth asteroid that entered Earth's atmosphere over Russia in 2013? Imagine if the objects entered earth’s atmosphere hadn’t been just meteor but the mother asteroid.
Still not sure about the impact of an asteroid clash? An animation movie “Dinosaur” would show you the impact and consequences.
Now, scientists from NASA and the European Space Agency are seeking ways to change the course of two asteroids before they hit or come too close to earth. Though the expected time for encounter is still centuries away, it would be nice to start preparing for future actions.
Enjoy reading and imagining what will be world like a year before the impact.

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