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Topic Reading-Vol.1217-8/11/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Mexico: Growing old in poverty
The reality under the official figures. Surprisingly, as many as 50% of the entire workforce are thought to work in the informal sector in Mexico. Since that figure represents the number of workforce, it doesn’t represent how much percentage of the economy it contributes. However, if the half of the workforce don’t pay tax or contribute to the social security fund, it is extremely difficult for the government to maintain the social service systems. And of course, such workers don’t get any job security, protection or insurance coverage. They can survive only if they are lucky enough to stay healthy and get a job. But once any of the conditions is lost, he or she will have to find food for the day somewhere.
Enjoy reading and learning how a life of a 65-year-old woman in Mexico is like.

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