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Topic Reading-Vol.1174-6/29/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Are you damaging your hearing without realizing it?
Too loud? Maybe. If you use earphones to listen to music for long time every day, your ears may suffer serious hearing problem later in your life.
Noise Induced Hearing Loss, or NIHL, is seen when your ears are exposed to loud noises, such as machineries, traffic and music. As it develops gradually, those who suffer this problem don’t notice it until it’s too late. Make the matter even worse, once your hearing ability is lost, it won’t recover. This problem is already seen mainly among young people who continuously listen to music on earphones. And this practice is expected to become even more common and continuous throughout the day as 24-hour streaming services, either free or subscription, become the main source of individual music entertainment.
Enjoy reading and learning this on-going health and could be a social problem in the future.

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