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Topic Reading-Vol.1156-6/11/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Tough methods to prevent cheating in gaokao
9.4 million. This is the number of the students who took the national college entrance exam, or gaokao this year in China. The test scores determine which school and major the test taker can be enrolled in. It is very critical for Chinese students to graduate from a prestigious university because academic credentials are essential to qualify and compete to get a good job. Naturally, there are students who want to get higher test scores than they could get by themselves. In the previous years, some of such test cheaters were caught. They used electronic devices to send and receive signals to get the answers.
The authorities took actions to match such high-tech cheating methods and introduced electric signal detectors and even drones to monitor the testing room.
Enjoy reading and learning how serious gaokao is.

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