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Topic Reading-Vol.775-5/26/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
FDA approves 'Star Wars' bionic arm.
Some of you might remember the prosthetic that was attached to the Star Wars hero Luke Skywalker after he had lost his right arm during a light-saber duel with Darth Vader, his wicked father. That scientific movie inspired the inventor or Segway, a two-wheeled self-balancing personal transport, to develop more-functional-than-ever prosthetic that has recently been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, FDA, for sale in the US.
This practical and functional prosthetic is controlled by signals from the brain. It can perform delicate and sensitive tasks like zipping up a fastener, locking or unlocking a door with a key or handling an egg without breaking it.
Enjoy reading and seeing the video that shows you today’s science and innovations are stepping closer towards scientific imaginations dreamed of a few decades ago.

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