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Topic Reading-Vol.614-12/16/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
China's lunar probe soft-lands on moon.
A few scores ago, then two superpowers that divided the world, the USA and the USS, competed in the space race, sending men in space and even to moon in spacecraft that weren’t equipped with no less than the one-hundred of today’s smartphone’s microprocessor.
The emerging 21st century’s superpower, China, made a success in its first soft-landing mission on the moon with much more sophisticated equipment and procedure as well as the country's first moon rover onboard on 14th December, 2013.
For Chinese, the moon is not just a new extraterrestrial body but also a main source for inspiration and one of the most important themes in Chinese literature and ancient Chinese myths. The reason the mission was named Chang'e, a lady who took her Jade Rabbit to fly toward the moon, where she became a goddess.
Enjoy reading and learning about the newest exploration to create a new legend to China’s long history.

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