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Topic Reading-Vol.367-4/13/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Elephant in Ringling Circus injured in drive-by shooting in Mississippi.
Drive-by shooting, a personal attack or random shooting at people, other vehicles or properties carried out from a moving car, which often results in bystanders being shot instead of, or as well as, the intended target such as drives or passengers of other vehicles, isn’t a rare incident in America, where both possession and use of firearms are legalized and some people always carry their guns for self-defense, as they claim.
This time, an elephant of the famous circus team resting in the cage peacefully was hit in its shoulder area by a drive-by shooter. Whether the shot was an intended one or not, the poor endangered species was wounded by a bullet. Will this incident help push to pass stricter gun control laws in the gun addicted country?
Enjoy reading and learning about a rare drive-by shooting case took place in a peaceful community, waiting for the victim elephant to entice the residents.


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