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Topic Reading-Vol.1700-12/6/2016

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Road, Street or Avenue?
“Where is Times Square?” “It’s at the junction of Broadway and Seventh Avenue.”
When you get directions to go somewhere in America, you’ll find quite a variation of titles for the roads, such as street, avenue and of course road to name a few. But there are many more titles like boulevard, parkway, lane, place, plaza and court. Are they given just randomly or deliberately?
Though there are plenty of exceptions, general codes behind those titles seem to exist. Knowing some of these general descriptions may help you predict what kind of road you’ll be traveling on.
Enjoy reading the introductory text and watching a video that presents never-thought-of titling codes beneath the roads.
Oh, lastly, but not the least, thank you for reading this 1700th Topic Reading.

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