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Topic Reading-Vol.1626-9/23/2016

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
UNICEF: 50 million children uprooted by crises
Children are so vulnerable. They can be abused, abandoned, kidnapped, trafficked, enslaved, brainwashed or humiliated. And according to the UNICEF’s report, there are as many as 50 million children in the world who were displaced or moved from their homeland due to conflicts or violence. Some become refugees and others are seeking asylum but in either case, children are the ones need most attention and support from the world, such as proper nutrition, education and medical services, not to mention the food to eat and place to live in.
As you know, the UNICEF is an agency of the UN, and this report was published right before the 2016 UN Assembly.
Enjoy reading and thinking if this report will be seriously paid attention by the world leaders in the General Assembly. 

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