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Topic Reading-Vol.911-10/9/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Finally, a flying car for everybody? It's the idiot-proof aerial commuter
Technologically, flying cars are no longer a dream in science fiction movies. There are already unmanned flying drones all over the places doing their missions such as photo or video shooting, surveillance, delivery and even bombing.
Environmentally, if they are powered by battery and controlled to fly within the allocated air space, they may be more acceptable transport than ordinary cars on the road. Good news is that most of the commute in the US takes shorter than 25km or 30 minutes, which makes battery-powered vehicle more feasible.
Practically, there are issues need to be sorted out and they are the ones the 'MyCopter' project has been working on.
Enjoy reading and learning about Personal Aviation Vehicle, or PAV.

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