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Topic Reading-Vol.716-3/28/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Xi urges PLA modernization
Any country in the world save just a few has armed forces to defend its country and people. But when a country, especially one of the two world leading countries says they need to modernize and build up its military to protect its core interests, it threatens the neighboring countries, especially the ones that have disputes over waters and borders.
During China’s top legislature, the National People's Congress, the country’s, party’s and military’s top Xi Jinping urged the military leaders to further and rapidly strengthen and modernize the military capabilities and forces to protect the nation’s core interests. What are the core interests of China that need to be protected? What drives them to further expand its military power that has been increasingly reinforced for the last decade in a speed that no other country has ever done in history?
Enjoy reading the article and thinking what could be their core interests to be protected and by who or what.

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