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Topic Reading-Vol.696-3/8/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
South Korea to develop Stuxnet-like cyberweapons
What is Suxnet? It was the first-known computer virus designed to target real-world infrastructure like power station, specifically Iranian nuclear enrichment plants.
Now, South Korea’s military is preparing to use a similar offensive tool to attack North’s nuclear facility as the second phase of their cyber operation strategies.
What is their first phase then? Propaganda. Even in North Korea where public media are strictly controlled, there are people who use social networking and social media services.
Will such malware to distort or disrupt social networking or disrupt infrastructures do just as it is intended to? Even though some countries’ sensor system detects and blocks unfavorable accesses or interactions, the Internet doesn’t respect state borders or isn’t always blocked by security guards. Therefore, any virus could spread around the world just in a matter of a blink or click. And what could happen if such malware is captured and altered by the hand of other cyber attackers? An attempt to secure regional peace could threaten global security.
Enjoy reading and learning about a new state-level cyber threat.

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