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Topic Reading-Vol.4654-1/20/2025

Dear MEL Topic Readers, 
Moon rover-inspired robot could be a game-changer for Japan’s ageing farmers
Where there is a problem, an opportunity arises. The number of Japan’s farmers has halved since the millennium, and they are fast aging. In fact, only 20% of the farmers are under 60 years old. One way to fill the labor shortage is to bring in more immigrants and expatriates. However, since farming is seasonal in most parts of Japan, it is not easy to obtain workers when they are needed. One way to solve or ease the labor shortage is robotics. An Israel-American PhD who specializes in space robotics came up with a farm rover, called Adam. The rover can work alongside farmers or autonomously to help them transport produce. It follows the farmer from an adjustable distance or moves autonomously between two points on the farm. Also, the rover can be equipped with a grass-cutting or pesticide spray attachment. Because of its autonomous mobility, Adam can be used for patrol, security, or transporting goods and materials in plants or construction sites. If a rover works on the Moon and Mars, why not on the Earth?
Read the article and learn about a simple rover to solve Japan’s aging farmers.

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