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Topic Reading-Vol.4375-4/16/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,  
Teachers are using AI to grade essays. But some experts are raising ethical concerns
Nowadays, many students use AI tools to create their works, like essays, reports, and research papers, and some schools have policies or guidelines on how AI tools can be used for schoolwork. But should teachers be allowed to use AI tools at their discretion to grade and give feedback on assignments? In fact, AI can provide dependable numerical scores on structure, language use, and grammar much faster, more accurately, and more consistently than human teachers do. Then teachers can focus on assessing the novelty, creativity, logic, coverage, and depth of insight of students’ works. So, it seems to benefit both students and teachers. However, uploading students’ works might breach their intellectual property as AI tools read and learn from uploaded content. It has only been a year and a half since ChatGPT was launched, and other generative AI tools have been emerging ever since. As they evolve, both writers and assessors also need to learn how to use them efficiently and with integrity.
Read the article and learn about how AI tools are being used in higher education.

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