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Topic Reading-Vol.3887-12/2/2022

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
China claims youth gaming addiction resolved
Children’s screen time during the Covid lockdowns was a major concern in China. In order to improve children’s welfare, China banned the release of new game titles for nine months until April this year. It also limited the time children can play games to less than three hours a week. TikTok, called Douyin in China, voluntarily limited the daily viewing time to 40 minutes for children under 14. Did all these bans and restrictions help resolve gaming and screen addiction among children? The gaming industry believes so. Since the gaming and SNS industries have huge economic and technological benefits in China, those severe restrictions might be loosened soon, especially when another wave of Covid lockdowns is being imposed.
Enjoy reading the article and learning about how China has been dealing with children’s online and gaming addictions.

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