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Topic Reading-Vol.3883-11/28/2022

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Drink this type of milk to keep you and the planet healthy
It has been believed that dairy milk is good for health and growth as it is rich in calcium and protein. But as the global population added a billion in just a decade and is still growing, should we keep producing milk to meet the increasing demand? Even though today’s dairy industry produces much more milk per cow than before, it uses 10 times as much land and water as plant-based milk, such as almonds, rice, soy, and oat. Also, as cows burp and poo, they generate methane, an 80 times more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Then the question is if we can substitute those plant-based milk products for dairy milk products nutritiously, environmentally, and economically. Well, if we can substitute chicken with lab-grown meat (Vol.3882), why can’t we?
Enjoy reading the article and learning about what milk is about.

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