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Topic Reading-Vol.3854-10/30/2022

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
India vaccine maker destroys 100 million doses of expired Covid jab
SII, the world’s largest vaccine maker in India, provided more than 90% of Covid doses that have been administered in India. But they apparently produced much more doses of Covid vaccine than people wanted. Though over 70% of the Indian population received two or more doses, including 300 million booster doses, they had not been encouraged to take any more despite the government promotions. One reason is that people in India, just like those in other countries, seem to have been fed up with the coronavirus. Also, they aren’t used to taking vaccine shots regularly, like a flu shot. As a result, the vaccine manufacturer had no choice but to destroy100 million doses of their expired Covid vaccine. Could those dumped doses have been used in other countries before the expiration?
Read the article and think about what logistics plan and generosity could have prevented 100 million doses from being wasted.

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