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Topic Reading-Vol.3721-6/19/2022

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Have a look inside Russia's new 'Tasty' McDonald's replacement 
Opened on Pushkin Square in Moscow 32 years ago, the first McDonald’s restaurant gathered a huge crowd for its grand opening day, having had customers wait for three hours to be served the first American burgers and fries on the other side of the world. It was a symbol of western and American culture in the then-eastern bloc. Now, because of the invasion of Ukraine, McDonald’s pulled out of Russia and closed all 850 restaurants. It was a fortunate opportunity for a Russian businessman, Alexander Govor, who got a chance to purchase over 800 restaurants at a bargaining price. The iconic hamburger restaurant is now renamed "Vkusno i Tochka", which means "Tasty and that's it". How much do Russians like burgers and fries?
Enjoy watching the video to see the excitement in the rebranded burger shop in Moscow.

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