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Topic Reading-Vol.3684-5/13/2022

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Food apps and online gaming driving obesity – WHO

Europeans are getting fatter. Almost 60% of adults and a third of children are either overweight or obese, according to the WHO. Being too fat increases the risk of various health problems, such as cancer, diabetes, heart and lung problems, and even disability. The WHO estimates that the weight problem is causing 1.2 million deaths each year in Europe, which represents about 13% of all deaths. Sadly, the rise in overweight and obesity is seen in all European countries. The health organization says the Covid pandemic and food apps have made people eat more unhealthy food, which is high in calories, salt, and sugar. Also, they say online gaming has made children eat irregularly and sit too long instead of being engaged in physical activities. It seems that working from home has affected people’s working and eating habits, too. But are just apps and games to blame? They are mostly used by smartphones, which meanwhile make our lives engaged at work and at home. We seem to need to find a way to balance physical health and mental well-being.

Enjoy reading the article and learning about the weight problem in Europe.

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