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Topic Reading-Vol.3605-2/23/2022

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Why you can't have legs in virtual reality (yet)

In a metaverse, a network of 3D virtual worlds, you can enjoy social connections, games, shopping, and simulations using the user’s avatar. The user needs to wear a VR headset to view the 3D world, which also tracks your eye movements. It is an emerging concept that present technologies haven’t materialized realistically yet as it requires tracking the movements of the body. If the user is willing to put a number of sensors on many parts of their body, the system can track most of the body movements so that it can recreate the movements in the virtual world. But that seems unrealistic to make metaverse become a common 3D interactive platform or even replace Zoom. Also, tracking all the body movements takes a huge amount of processing power and data transmission. These are some of the reasons the present metaverse-like VRs don’t include the lower part of the body. But remember when the first digital animation films appeared on movie screens. Every year, things on the screen look more real, and technologies are advancing faster than ever powered by AI. So, developers will soon come up with marketable solutions as they have more than enough money to invest.

Enjoy reading the article about the present limitations and difficulties of the workable metaverse.

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