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Topic Reading-Vol.3543-12/23/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,  

'Significant amounts of water found in Mars' massive version of the Grand Canyon

We know there is water on Mars but it had not been clear how much, where, and in what form water exists except in polar regions. Since Mar’s atmosphere is 100 times thinner than the one of the Earth, surface temperatures on Mars vary and change widely. Even though high temperatures around the equator could reach double digits in Celsius, the average temperatures are below zero. So, there is no water running in rivers or sitting in lakes on Mars. Water is somewhere below the surface and that is why detecting the sign, amount, and form of water on Mars had been difficult. But recently, with the help of Fine Resolution Epithermal Neutron Detector, which can detect hydrogen in the top meter of Mar’s soil, a large amount of water was discovered just south of the equator. It is good news for Mars explorers because they may not have to bring water from the Earth, which eats up space and payload of the spaceship. Indeed, with accessible abundant water, Mars could be stationed by researchers and inhabited by explorers. This discovery was made by a Mar’s orbiter launched and operated by a joint mission between the European and Russian space agencies. Even though there are conflicts of interest on the Earth between them, cooperation is essential when it comes to space missions.

Enjoy reading the article and learning about this milestone discovery for Mar’s exploration.

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