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Topic Reading-Vol.3274-3/29/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

World's largest canvas painting fetches $62M at Dubai charity auction

A British artist was stuck in Dubai last year when the pandemic forced nations to close borders and ordered lockdowns. While spending stressful days in a hotel, he came up with an idea to paint the largest-ever artwork to help children in need of help. It took seven months for the artist to complete the gigantic paintwork in a ballroom of the hotel in Dubai. The artwork consists of four connected segments; the soul of the Earth, nature, humanity, and the wider universe. He intended to divide the work into 70 pieces to allure more buyers to raise the fund. However, to his surprise, a local businessman bought the whole work at a staggering $62 million, double the price the painter had expected. The money will be donated to various activities including UNICEF, UNESCO, The Global Gift Foundation, and Dubai Cares for programs related to children's education, health care, sanitation, and digital connectivity.

If more financial investment is linked to children in need of help and protection, they will bring back more in the future to the world.

Enjoy reading the article and watching the video to learn about what an artwork could do to help children in the world.

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