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Topic Reading-Vol.3205-1/19/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Gorillas test positive for coronavirus at San Diego park

Wild gorillas live in the forest of central Sub-Saharan Africa, where there are limited contacts with humans and their belongings. An estimated 100,000 gorillas live in the wild while about 750 are in captivity around the world. As they share over 98% of their DNAs with humans, it had been concerned by wildlife experts that those captive gorillas could be infected with the coronavirus by humans, and it happened in a zoo in San Diego, California. Eight gorillas that live together were found positive. Even though they had been cared for by a team who wore a mask at all times around them and the park had been closed to the public for a month, once the virus was transmitted, it infected the others in the group. Indeed, gorillas live in close groups, so if one is infected, the others too are infected. The problem is that they aren’t easily quarantined because of their tight-knit relationship with the other members of the group.

Sorry for the gorillas that are already troubled by human conduct. But could the reverse occur?

Enjoy reading the article and learn about how close we are to gorillas.

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