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Topic Reading-Vol.3185-12/30/2020

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

UK company launches $30 bottled air range for homesick expats

Bottled water is common all around the world. Some are just cleaned or purified while others contain spring water from someplace. Indeed, water tastes different itself and also adds tea or coffee extra flavor. What about the air? Do you miss the air of your place when you travel to stay in another place for a long time? There seem to be quite a few people who may have missed the air of their homeland because of the travel ban or restrictions to contain the outbreak of coronavirus especially during the holiday season. And a UK company is now selling bottled authentic air of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland to those who missed or want to feel the air. This might add some touch to online family reunions. The company also bottles the air from a specific place upon request.

How much would you pay for a bottle of air? When you were in space or on another planet, you probably would be very desperate to smell the air of the mother planet.

Enjoy reading the article and think if you want bottled air from any particular place.

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