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Topic Reading-Vol.2804-12/15/2019

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Could Asia's passion for tofu help solve the plastic crisis?
The world is now seeking to replace plastic with more environmentally friendly alternatives. One such idea is the biodegradable food wrap made from soybeans, but not from the nutritious and edible part but from the waste created by soybean products such as tofu or soymilk.
A professor in Singapore, where soybean products are used widely in food menus, has made cellulose extracted from soybean waste from a local soy-based drinks producer which generously provided the waste for free. One significant benefit of this bioplastic is there is no need to grow plants to produce it, which is economically and environmentally advantageous. It is also fully digested by microbes and disappears within a month without special treatment or heating. In other words, you can simply throw it out with other food or burnable waste without sorting. That sounds very convenient as plastic is used widely to wrap food.
The world needs more such practical and economical plastic alternatives to protect the environment.
Enjoy reading the article and learn about this innovation from traditional food.

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