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Topic Reading-Vol.2650-7/14/2019

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
A group of US billionaires is calling for a wealth tax
Wealth tax is a tax on the total value of personal assets, such as money, bonds, stocks, real estate, cars (and boats and airplanes), valuable properties like antiques and paintings, pension plans, and unincorporated businesses. Poor people don’t have such assets. People of the middle-class may have just enough assets to get by for now, and hopefully for after retirement. Only the rich own more than enough personal assets to spend or waste, donate or give, or inherit or succeed at will. They usually try their very best to minimize taxes they have to pay.
Now, some very wealthy Americans are calling for a tax on their wealth to tackle climate change and reduce inequalities. They seem to be generous enough to institute such a progressive initiative trying to make changes. But not all the rich will agree with being levied more taxes as they already paid income tax, sales tax or inheritance tax when they obtained their assets. In other words, it’s double taxation. Also, there are non-financial assets that are unique and hard to value, such as vehicles, antiques, private business.
Will this move help solve the problems? How much additional tax burden can they bear?
Enjoy reading the article and think who should be paying a wealth tax and how much.

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