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Topic Reading-Vol.2635-6/29/2019

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Carbon fiber subway trains complete trial run
Written by a renowned Chinese science fiction writer Liu Cixin in 2008, The Dark Forest is the second book of the science fiction trilogy "Remembrance of Earth's Past." In the book, in the not-so-distant future, auto-driven vehicles are flying in the air, people are touching monitor screens that appear almost anywhere and robots are serving customers in restaurants in the underground world. Does this sound too futuristic or unrealistic?
Nowadays, many new technological advances in transportation infrastructures are realized in China. Nearly-nationwide Highspeed Railway network, Magnetic Levitation Trains, or Maglev, and subway system in most major cities. Now, they’ve got a brand-new advanced subway train made of fiber composite materials, which make the train 13% lighter than conventional subway trains. The auto-driven train is equipped with an intelligent monitoring and warning system that initiates repair work when needed. Its windows are touch panels that show videos and news when they are touched by passengers. Also, the newly applied fully active suspension gives smoother-than-ever ride even at a faster-than-usual speed.
Enjoy reading the article and learn about another technological break-through in China.

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