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Topic Reading-Vol.2517-3/3/2019

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Could squid protein be an eco-friendly answer to our plastic problem?
What do squids do to the environment? Can they be an ugly but healthy alternative to beef? Well, what researchers looked at was not the body but the teeth. Squids have small sharp teeth along the suction cups on their tentacles. Recently, researchers developed coatings and fibers for textiles derived from these ring teeth proteins. Since they are elastic, flexible, and strong enough to be used for recyclable fabric, they can replace some use of plastic materials, such as recyclable fabric and protective clothing for chemicals. Furthermore, they are biologically degradable, they could be a perfect alternative for some use of plastics.
Since humans have already destructed the ecosystem and environment of the planet with plastics for the sake of convenience and economy, it seems that the time has come to put more efforts in developing reusable, recyclable, and degradable materials to replace them.
Enjoy reading and imagine a day when you wash dishes wearing kitchen gloves made from squid teeth.

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