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Topic Reading-Vol.1753-1/28/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Browned toast and potatoes are 'potential cancer risk', say food scientists
Acrylamide [əˈkrɪl əˌmaɪd, -mɪd]. Another unhealthy substance in food. It is said to increase the risk to cause cancer. It is found in various kinds of food, especially in high-carbo foods such as potatoes, bread and cereals. The bad news is that this substance is also produced when such foods are heated at a high temperature, like brown toast and potato chips.
Though not everyone is convinced that acrylamide causes cancer to humans, it is advised that overcooking of such starchy foods should be avoided.
The bottom line is to make and eat food moderately to avoid other cancer-causing factors, such as obesity and imbalanced nutrition.
Enjoy reading and thinking if you know any other cancer-causing foods or recipes.

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