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Topic Reading-Vol.1356-12/28/2015

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Top U.N. official calls for North Korea to face International Criminal Court
How much longer will it take for the global community to act? Though it has been clear and evident what and how the incumbent regime runs the country, violates human rights and neglects international laws, the atrocities of this brutal country remain untouched.
The UN Security Council was called for by a UN senior official to bring DPRK, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, to justice. However, such attempt would have been vetoed by its close ally, China, one of the permanent five members of the Security Council that are entitled to veto anything with no reason.
However recently, the relationship between Pyongyang and Beijing seems to have been a little shaky. In December, North Korea's girl band was sent to Beijing to show off their performance before high ranking officials of China, the band abruptly cancelled the shows and returned without explanation.
Will that mean China may change its diplomatic stance against North Korea?
Enjoy reading and thinking if North Korean prisoners will ever complain any palatable food?

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