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Topic Reading-Vol.1307-11/9/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Shah Rukh Khan criticizes 'intolerance' in India
Intolerance is getting a bigger issue in India. A recent incident of the lynching of a man over suspicions for eating beef, which is strictly prohibited in Hinduism, sparked widespread protests by scientists, historians and filmmakers. And here is this guy, Shah Rukh Khan, whose popularity is unmatched in India’s movie world voiced his concern about extreme intolerance to religious beliefs ad practices.
Hindus warship cows. So no excuse can justify producing or eating beef for those who are deeply faithful to Hinduism. As a matter of fact, most of the items on MacDonald’s menu in India are chickens and vegetables. But can anyone force others to be or do the same?
Maybe it is time to learn and think what generosity means to the society and world.
Enjoy reading and learning about this growing religious intolerance in India.

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