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Topic Reading-Vol.1198-7/23/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Loch Ness hunter: Have we been catfished by Nessie?
Humans don’t seem to have sensible ability to identify what they saw. Some say now the Lock Ness is catfish, which could grow to as heavy as 300 kg and looks ugly. That could be mistakenly seen as a dinosaur in the water. But the most of the witnesses claimed that they had spotted or took photos of a strange neck-to-head like object above the water. Neither of the story sounds convincing to the rest of the world. But one thing still certain is that the passion and dedication of a man who had given up everything and has been living by himself by the loch for 24 years to solve this mystery.
Enjoy reading and learning about this still-mysterious monster in Loch Ness.

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