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Topic Reading-Vol.1120-5/6/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Beidou navigation satellite extends its reach to global data
The fourth global navigation system will be in place by 2020. Currently the US, EU and Russia have their respective navigation system. Now China is expanding its navigation coverage from eastern region to the entire globe. But why we need that many incomparable navigation systems?
Navigation is used not only to find the present location but also to guide missiles, operate unmanned vehicles, locate objects and so on. Commercially, it doesn’t matter which system to use as long as signals are constantly received and accuracy is dependable. But when it comes to military operations, no one wants to depend on its enemy’s navigation system, as long as one can afford it. And when China is moving to be more independent from western powers and influential to eastern and other countries, it seems quite natural to have own global navigation system, which they can financially and technologically afford.
Enjoy reading and learning about China’s another ambitious initiative and investment.

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