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Topic Reading-Vol.823-7/13/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
How pickpockets trick your mind.
Have you ever been talked nicely by someone looked nice in a busy place like London or Tokyo? Didn’t the person try to draw your attention to something off your valuables without arousing alert by showing something nice or speaking in a friendly manner? That person might be a pickpocket who was trying to steal your valuable.
According to a neuroscientist, human mind isn’t used to multi-tasks to focus on the most immediate or important thing happening around him or her. Therefore, if a pickpocket wants a thing in your right pocket, he or she would attempt to draw your attention from it by showing something somewhere in a natural fashion, or the pickpocket uses his or her college(s) to cause a situation that your mind is occupied or confused.
How to avoid such danger? Don’t touch or show your valuable in a busy place. Don’t trust anyone speaking nicely to you. But probably the best way is to keep you away from busy places and not to bring your valuable with you.
Enjoy reading and learning about the tricks pickpockets deploy.

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