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Topic Reading-Vol.118-8/7/2012

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Truman grandson visits Hiroshima A-bomb memorial.
Two atomic bombs have ever been used to kill people and destroy everything on the ground in human history, one was on Hiroshima on the 6th day and the other on Nagasaki on the 9th day of August in 1945, both of which had been authorized by the then US president Harry Truman. Each bomb killed over a hundred thousand innocent people and ruined the cities. Very little remained on the sites and those who were near the sites suffered from the effects of radiation for the rest of their lived. The total number of victims is estimated to be around 350,000.
67 years later, the commander-in-chief’s grandson is paying a visit to both cities trying to keep talking about the consequences of the bombings with the survivors and their families.
Enjoy reading, learning and thinking about the meaning of such event.

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