Dear MEL Topic Readers,
‘Mystery volcano’ that erupted and cooled Earth in 1831 has finally been identified
Between 1300 and 1850 CE, the Earth, particularly in the North Atlantic region, was cooler than normal by about 0.6 degrees Celsius relative to the average temperature between 1000 and 2000 CE, called the Little Ice Age. It is also believed that an unidentified volcano erupted explosively in 1831, which threw huge quantities of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, lowering global temperatures by 1˚C. The cooling caused a devastating impact worldwide, failing crops and starving people. It was assumed that the mystery volcano would be somewhere in tropical regions like the Philippines. But a recent study has identified the mysterious volcano as Zavaritskii volcano on Simushir Island, part of the Kuril Islands archipelago in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Since the island has never been inhibited, there is no written record of the eruption. However, a chemical analysis of the ash and shards of volcanic glass sampled from Greenland’s ice core and a geochemical comparison of samples show that the sulfur fallout in 1831 and the samples from Zavaritskii caldera are identical. A mystery solved.
Read the article and learn how the mystery volcano that erupted in 1831 was identified.
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