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Topic Reading-Vol.2315-8/13/2018

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Don't pressure your picky eater -- it doesn't work
Eat it! It’s nutritious and good for you.
Some parent pushes their child to eat carrots or string beans that the child is reluctant to put into the mouth. Though such parent feels responsible to make sure their child gets enough and balanced nutrition, forcing young children to eat certain food seems to cause a negative effect. After all, food is not just one of the necessities for a healthy life but also for fun. So, for picky eaters, encouragement works better to remove the barrier to try eating unfamiliar or unfavorable food. Yes. Put the food on the child’s plate and encourage them to try eating it. Ideally, if you put the food that was grown in your own yard or bought from a store with the child, they may eat it with curiosity. It is also suggested that eating with other family members naturally encourage children to try the food that everyone else is eating.
Enjoy reading and learn dos and don’ts to feed young children.

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