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Topic Reading-Vol.1987-9/19/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Starting from scratch in Uganda
The most generous country in the world? Uganda. It took more refugees than any other country or even total EU in 2016. But why are there so many refugees to Uganda?
Uganda is a landlocked country in East Africa surrounded by Kenya, Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania, and also South Sudan. which is rated the most fragile state in the world because of the continuing ethnic violence and civil war since 2013. Nearly a half a million people fled from this failed state to Uganda in 2016 alone.
Uganda, whose population is 38 million, has one of the most generous refugee policies in the world by giving new arrivals their own land. But their resources are limited, and these new arrivals had to manage on their own. How can a woman with babies and infants settle in a new land only with a machete?
Read the text and see the interactive video to learn what the lives are like for refugees in Uganda.

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