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Topic Reading-Vol.1729-1/4/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Is Japan’s culture of overwork finally changing?
Go-home-early Day. Japanese government is going to set a day in each month when employees should leave early from their work, being triggered by a young worker’s suicide because of overwork.
Japanese workers are known to put longer work hours than Americans or Europeans, sometimes over 100 hours a month. In many offices, an hour or two a day of extra work is common. Why? One of the reasons is their work volume, especially for small businesses that are under severe pressure to stay in business. Another reason is low productivity. Japan’s productivity is lower than any other industrialized country especially in service industry. And there is distinctive Japanese culture, too. Teamwork. Many employees feel guilty about leaving their colleagues in the office, so that they do things that can be done next day or more efficiently.
The bottom line seems to be lack of eagerness or motivation to leave early to enjoy their lives, or different priorities from others in the world.
Enjoy reading and thinking which sounds more difficult, to have Japanese speak or leave work early.

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