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Topic Reading-Vol.1262-9/25/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Two million Indians reply to ad for 300 clerical jobs
Simply, there aren’t enough jobs out there. With a population of 215 million, Uttar Pradesh, the most populous state of soon-to-be the most populous nation, has nearly 13 million unemployed young people. No wonder why as many as two million young people applied for 300 entry jobs in the state government for a $240 salary. That’s over 6,000 applicants per job! It is estimated to take four years to interview all the candidates even if they could have 200 interviews a day for 25 days a month. Among the applicants are 152,000 graduates and 255 doctors, who must have spent more money to earn their degrees in the same period of the employment should they get the job.
As private sectors haven’t created enough job opportunities for increasing young population, they seem to have left no choice but to apply for government jobs in the police, military and state offices despite their degrees in higher education.
Will such over-qualified workers maintain their motivation for their jobs? Will those massive interviews be conducted fairly? Will there be corruption and bribes in the selection process for such highly demanded opportunities?
Enjoy reading and thinking about the imbalance in limited job opportunities and growing population.

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