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Topic Reading-Vol.1238-9/1/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
The Challenges of Setting up Shop in India
India is rising for sure. Unlike fast-aging China, nearly two-thirds of the 1.2 billion population are under the age of 35. But how to ride the giant elephant? There seem to be numbers of challenges that foreign business investors and operators have to face.
India is so diverse that most foreigners have difficulty understanding their customs, cultures, religions, caste, language and practices. It is the world largest democratic state with over 700 million eligible voters. However, it is far from transparent like other democratic countries, ranked 85 among 175 countries on transparency and corruption index.
The transportation is another hurdle. It has only 1,300 km of fast roads compared to 112,000 km in China. There are no fast-train railroads which China has over 20,000km across the country.
However, it is still one of the most prospective market in the world.
Enjoy reading and learning about the challenges to do business in India.

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